Why scientists are calling Citrus Bergamot extract...

Why scientists are calling this breakthrough extract…

Why scientists are calling Citrus Bergamot extract...

The Best Way Yet to Relieve Prostate Symptoms Naturally

Clinical trials show LDL down 36% and triglycerides down 39%
while raising healthy HDL by 40%!

Clinical studies show an 88% efficacy rate for reducing frequent trips to the bathroom, enhancing virility and safeguarding prostate health.

Clinical trials show LDL down 36% and triglycerides down 39% while raising healthy HDL by 40%!

By Dr. Kevin Passero

Why scientists are calling this breakthrough extract…

Why scientists are calling Citrus Bergamot extract...

Why scientists are calling this breakthrough extract…

The Best Way Yet to Relieve
Prostate Symptoms Naturally

Clinical studies show an 88% efficacy rate for reducing frequent trips to the bathroom, enhancing virility and safeguarding prostate health.

Clinical trials show LDL down 36% and triglycerides down 39% while raising healthy HDL by 40%!

Clinical studies show an 88% efficacy rate for reducing frequent trips to the bathroom, enhancing virility and safeguarding prostate health.

By Dr. Kevin Passero

It’s one of the most stressful and annoying health issues my male patients face: prostate swelling that causes symptoms like increased urinary frequency or urgency… a weak, stop-and-go stream… incomplete, unsatisfying bladder emptying… and compromised performance in the bedroom. And it’s one of the most common reasons men come to see me at my clinic.

You’re not alone here, and there’s no need to be embarrassed. Over 60% of men in their 60s experience prostate-related symptoms, and the older you get, the more your risk accelerates.

The good news you might not hear from your regular doctor is that there’s an amazingly effective, natural way to quickly put an end to frustrating prostate symptoms while improving and safeguarding your long-term prostate health.

So, if you’re like the men who visit me at my clinic who are tired and stressed from waking up 2, 3, 4 or more times each night to pee, please keep reading. I’m going to share the proven regimen I’ve developed for my male patients who struggle with prostate symptoms.

It has helped almost everyone who has tried it, and I’m confident it can work for you too.

It’s one of the most stressful and annoying health issues my male patients face: prostate swelling that causes symptoms like increased urinary frequency or urgency… a weak, stop-and-go stream… incomplete, unsatisfying bladder emptying… and compromised performance in the bedroom. And it’s one of the most common reasons men come to see me at my clinic.

You’re not alone here, and there’s no need to be embarrassed. Over 60% of men in their 60s experience prostate-related symptoms, and the older you get, the more your risk accelerates.

The good news you might not hear from your regular doctor is that there’s an amazingly effective, natural way to quickly put an end to frustrating prostate symptoms while improving and safeguarding your long-term prostate health.

So, if you’re like the men who visit me at my clinic who are tired and stressed from waking up 2, 3, 4 or more times each night to pee, please keep reading. I’m going to share the proven regimen I’ve developed for my male patients who struggle with prostate symptoms.

It has helped almost everyone who has tried it, and I’m confident it can work for you too.

Lower dangerous LDL
cholesterol by 36%

Reduce artery-clogging
triglycerides by 39%

Significantly raise healthy HDL cholesterol by 40% (something most other solutions fail to do)

Lower blood sugar levels by 22%
(which is an important component
of cardiovascular health)

Lower dangerous LDL
cholesterol by 36%

Reduce artery-clogging
triglycerides by 39%

Significantly raise healthy HDL
cholesterol by 40%
(something most other solutions fail to do)

Lower blood sugar levels by 22%
(which is an important component
of cardiovascular health)

The Clinically Proven Natural Solution That Has Helped So Many Men Recover Their Prostate Health

The Clinically Proven Natural Solution That Has Helped So Many Men Recover Their Prostate Health

The Clinically Proven Natural Solution That Has Helped So Many Men Recover Their Prostate Health

Dr Passero.png__PID:a45f2431-c053-4779-801e-13ea57ff8ccaDr Passero.png__PID:a45f2431-c053-4779-801e-13ea57ff8cca

Hello, I’m Dr. Kevin Passero. 

In over 20 years of seeing patients at my clinics in the Washington, DC area, I’ve developed a regimen for men that includes one of the most exciting advances in prostate health I’ve ever seen, and I want to share it with you today.

A primary component of my regimen is a unique and powerful extract of saw palmetto, a time-tested herb widely used as a medicine in Europe.

Dr Passero.png__PID:a45f2431-c053-4779-801e-13ea57ff8ccaDr Passero.png__PID:a45f2431-c053-4779-801e-13ea57ff8cca

Hello, I’m Dr. Kevin Passero. 

In over 20 years of seeing patients at my clinics in the Washington, DC area, I’ve developed a regimen for men that includes one of the most exciting advances in prostate health I’ve ever seen, and I want to share it with you today.

A primary component of my regimen is a unique and powerful extract of saw palmetto, a time-tested herb widely used as a medicine in Europe.

You may have heard of saw palmetto and even tried it. Maybe you got mixed results or no results at all. You see, unlike the widely available saw palmetto extracts, which have a spotty record of success, the specific, scientifically verified extract I recommend has a proven 88% efficacy rate for reducing frequent trips to the bathroom, enhancing virility and safeguarding prostate health. (Click to read the clinical data.)

Gold-standard research shows that beginning in as few as 45 days, you can benefit from:

  • Significantly reduced urinary frequency (at night and during the day)
  • Significantly reduced urinary frequency
             (at night and during the day)
  • Significantly reduced urinary frequency (at night and during the day)
  • Up to 82% fewer nighttime trips to the bathroom
  • Up to an 85% decrease in urinary urgency
  • Up to 50% better urine flow and bladder emptying
  • Relief from straining and “stop-and-go” urination
  • Reduced prostate swelling and normal prostate size
  • Enhanced drive, virility and bedroom performance
  • Support for hair regrowth and thickness

And here’s the great news: As I mentioned, this powerful saw palmetto extract produced many of these remarkable results beginning in just 45 days. But it doesn’t stop there. The results get even better after 90 days! (Click to read the clinical data.)

When It Comes to Balancing Cholesterol and Triglycerides,
the Citrus Bergamot Fruit is Like Nothing Else

Why Saw Palmetto Is the #1 Prostate Remedy in Europe

Saw palmetto is a palm tree native to Florida. Its red berries yield an oil that contains a very distinct profile of specialized plant compounds, including fatty acids, antioxidant flavonoids and sterols that provide unparalleled support for prostate health.

Here’s how it works: The potent plant compounds found in saw palmetto have been shown to inhibit both forms of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme (types 1 and 2), which convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is the problematic form of testosterone shown to increase prostate size as levels rise, putting pressure on the urethra and leading to urinary symptoms. DHT is also linked to the hair loss many men experience as they get older.

Volumes of research show that not only is saw palmetto remarkably effective for preventing the conversion of testosterone to DHT, it also combats inflammation in the prostate’s epithelial cells—helping to keep the prostate from swelling and causing symptoms. Saw palmetto also helps combat hair loss by regulating testosterone metabolism in hair follicles.

In Europe, saw palmetto’s efficacy is backed by over 40 years of gold-standard research. That’s why all throughout Europe, many prescription and over-the-counter remedies for prostate problems contain saw palmetto, and in Germany, saw palmetto extract is an approved drug.

What makes this possible in Europe is that there are strict regulations in place that mandate not only the dosage, but more importantly, the specific concentration and ratios of fatty acids that are needed for saw palmetto to be effective.

That’s why here in the United States, the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) eventually adopted the European standards. However, supplement manufacturers are not required to follow USP standards, which is why many of the saw palmetto supplements you’ll find on the market here are ineffective.

The bottom line: If your saw palmetto extract is not independently certified to meet the USP standards, it won’t work. Taking the right type of saw palmetto, however, can be a rapid game-changer.

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The most important factor for me to see is clinical confirmation of results that carry forward from one study to the next. Often times the trendy “solutions” are associated with just one hyped up study which is not enough for me to make clinical decisions for my patients.

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Why Saw Palmetto Is the #1 Prostate Remedy in Europe

Why Saw Palmetto Is the
#1 Prostate Remedy in Europe

Saw palmetto is a palm tree native to Florida. Its red berries yield an oil that contains a very distinct profile of specialized plant compounds, including fatty acids, antioxidant flavonoids and sterols that provide unparalleled support for prostate health.

Here’s how it works: The potent plant compounds found in saw palmetto have been shown to inhibit both forms of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme (types 1 and 2), which convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is the problematic form of testosterone shown to increase prostate size as levels rise, putting pressure on the urethra and leading to urinary symptoms. DHT is also linked to the hair loss many men experience as they get older.

Here’s how it works: The potent plant compounds found in saw palmetto have been shown to inhibit both forms of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme (types 1 and 2), which convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is the problematic form of testosterone shown to increase prostate size as levels rise, putting pressure on the urethra and leading to urinary symptoms. DHT is also linked to the hair loss many men experience as they get older.

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Volumes of research show that not only is saw palmetto remarkably effective for preventing the conversion of testosterone to DHT, it also combats inflammation in the prostate’s epithelial cells—helping to keep the prostate from swelling and causing symptoms. Saw palmetto also helps combat hair loss by regulating testosterone metabolism in hair follicles.

In Europe, saw palmetto’s efficacy is backed by over 40 years of gold-standard research. That’s why all throughout Europe, many prescription and over-the-counter remedies for prostate problems contain saw palmetto, and in Germany, saw palmetto extract is an approved drug.

What makes this possible in Europe is that there are strict regulations in place that mandate not only the dosage, but more importantly, the specific concentration and ratios of fatty acids that are needed for saw palmetto to be effective.

That’s why here in the United States, the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) eventually adopted the European standards. However, supplement manufacturers are not required to follow USP standards, which is why many of the saw palmetto supplements you’ll find on the market here are ineffective.

The bottom line: If your saw palmetto extract is not independently certified to meet the USP standards, it won’t work. Taking the right type of saw palmetto, however, can be a rapid game-changer.

Saw Palmetto Works Wonders,
But Only If You Take the Right Kind

Saw Palmetto Works Wonders, But Only If You Take the Right Kind

Saw Palmetto Works Wonders,
But Only If You Take the Right Kind

Unfortunately, the marketplace is flooded with products that contain untested, heavily adulterated saw palmetto that simply won’t provide the prostate symptom relief benefits shown in the research.

Here’s the issue: Demand for saw palmetto is high, and because almost the entire world gets its saw palmetto from Florida and the harvest season for ripe berries is very short, supply chain shortages often occur. This leaves many manufacturers scrambling for raw material and either using much cheaper, unripe Florida berries or, even worse, mixing in palm, canola or olive oils with the saw palmetto oil.

And if you're taking any of these "rip-off" brands, you'll not only waste your money, you’ll also miss the opportunity to get your prostate health back on the right track!

You need the RIGHT kind of saw palmetto—in the RIGHT dosage at the RIGHT concentration and ratio of fatty acids—to end prostate problems.

The power of saw palmetto lies in the oil extracted from ripened berries, which provides a specific ratio of fatty acids that cannot be imitated. To get the results shown in the clinical studies, you need to take 320 mg a day of a high-quality, standardized saw palmetto extract concentrated to 85% total fatty acids in the precise ratios found naturally in the oil extracted from ripe saw palmetto berries.

Analyses of commercially available saw palmetto products have shown HUGE variability in fatty acid content—as well as high levels of adulteration.

So if you’ve tried saw palmetto without getting the results you were hoping for, there’s a good chance you took one of these inferior products.

The Only Saw Palmetto Extract
I Use in My Proven Prostate Protocol

The Only Saw Palmetto Extract I Use in My Proven Prostate Protocol

Earlier I mentioned the proven regimen I’ve developed for my male patients who struggle with prostate symptoms, and that a primary component of my regimen is saw palmetto.

The other components of my regimen are beta-sitosterol (shown in clinical research to improve overall prostate symptoms by an incredible 350%) as well as lycopene and pumpkin seed oil. More on those ingredients in a bit.

But first I wanted to spend a little time on the special form of saw palmetto that I exclusively recommend.

It’s called USPlus® and it’s THE ONLY saw palmetto extract that is both certified organic and independently certified by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) to meet the exact fatty acid ratios and standards shown to be effective for relieving prostate symptoms. It is made exclusively from super-potent, hand-picked, ripe saw palmetto berries wild-harvested from sustainably managed land in Florida (not on a farm optimized for high-yield production). It’s as natural as natural gets!

It’s called USPlus® and it’s THE ONLY saw palmetto extract that is both certified organic and independently certified by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) to meet the exact fatty acid ratios and standards shown to be effective for relieving prostate symptoms. It is made exclusively from super-potent, hand-picked, ripe saw palmetto berries wild-harvested from sustainably managed land in Florida (not on a farm optimized for high-yield production). It’s as natural as natural gets!

After drying, the berries go through a patented supercritical CO2 extraction process to produce a pure, solvent-free oil that provides the highly concentrated 85% total fatty acid content needed to guarantee a clinically effective dose of saw palmetto’s active constituents as proven by nearly 60 well-designed clinical trials.

If you do a quick internet search, you’ll see that the vast majority of the saw palmetto supplements provide only 40-45% total fatty acids—and many simply contain crude, unconcentrated saw palmetto powder, not oil! And as I mentioned above, some are sadly adulterated with other oils that have zero health benefits.

My patients get incredible results when they take the right dose of USPlus® saw palmetto. Research shows that 320 mg is the most effective dose to reduce prostate swelling and related urinary symptoms. Their experience is similar to the results seen in the gold-standard scientific research that I have extensively reviewed.


Nighttime urination:
DOWN 82%


Urinary urgency:
DOWN 85%


Peak urine flow:
UP 50%

Best of all, a 320 mg daily dose of USPlus® saw palmetto has been shown to have an unprecedented 88% efficacy rate within just 90 days (with significant improvements seen within 45 days).

When Choosing a Saw Palmetto Supplement The Answer to All Five of These Questions Must Be “YES”

How You Can Easily Get the Benefits of My Dual-Action Blood Pressure Regimen

When Choosing a Citrus Bergamot Supplement The Answer to All Five of These Questions Must Be “YES”

When Choosing a Saw Palmetto Supplement The Answer to All Five of These Questions Must Be “YES”

Many of the patients I see have tried a prostate supplement in the past but didn’t get results—otherwise, they wouldn’t be in my office.

That’s when I ask them if what they used in the past can pass this quick “test” based on my unique and proven regimen:

1. Is it made with standardized, organic USPlus® saw palmetto extract?

🔲 Yes 🔲 No

Standardized, patented, certified organic USPlus® is the only saw palmetto extract that is USP certified to contain the precise 85% concentration and ratios of fatty acids proven to improve prostate symptoms in over four decades of European research. It is made only from ripe berries wild-harvested in Florida and extracted without solvents, yielding an extraordinarily pure and potent extract.

2. Does it provide the full clinical serving of 320 mg of USPlus® saw palmetto?

🔲 Yes 🔲 No

The clinical trials I reviewed clearly showed how a 320 mg daily dose of standardized USPlus® produced by far the best overall results—up to 82% less nighttime urination, an 85% decrease in urinary urgency, and a 50% increase in peak urinary flow. I've seen some brands cut corners with only 100 mg to 200 mg of USPlus®.

3. Does it include 60 mg of concentrated beta-sitosterol?

🔲 Yes 🔲 No

USPlus® works wonders on its own, but over the years I’ve found that it works even better when combined with concentrated beta-sitosterol, a powerful sterol found in saw palmetto as well as in other plants that is also backed by extensive clinical research demonstrating its ability to improve overall prostate symptoms—by a stunning 350%.

4. Does it include lycopene and pumpkin seed oil for additional support?

🔲 Yes 🔲 No

These two ingredients are staples in my regimen. Lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant found in tomatoes has been shown to help reduce prostate inflammation while preventing damage to prostate cells. Natural compounds found in pumpkin seed oil help reduce the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and in turn, help keep prostate swelling at bay.

5. Is it manufactured in the U.S. and subject to rigorous independent testing?

🔲 Yes 🔲 No

The very best supplements you can buy are manufactured in the U.S. in an FDA-approved facility with premium, patented ingredients like USPlus®. It’s also important to confirm that any supplement you put in your body is subject to 3rd-party lab testing to verify purity and potency. If the website or the label doesn’t say this, don’t buy it!

The very best supplements you can buy are manufactured in the U.S. in an FDA-approved facility with premium, patented ingredients like USPlus®. It’s also important to confirm that any supplement you put in your body is subject to 3rd-party lab testing to verify purity and potency. If the website or the label doesn’t say this, don’t buy it!

When Choosing a Citrus Bergamot Supplement The Answer to All Five of These Questions Must Be “YES”

When Choosing a Saw Palmetto Supplement The Answer to All Five of These Questions Must Be “YES”

When Choosing a Saw Palmetto Supplement The Answer to All Five of These Questions Must Be “YES”

When Choosing a Citrus Bergamot Supplement The Answer to All Five of These Questions Must Be “YES”

Many of the patients I see have tried a prostate supplement in the past but didn’t get results—otherwise, they wouldn’t be in my office.

That’s when I ask them if what they used in the past can pass this quick “test” based on my unique and proven regimen:

1. Is it made with standardized, organic USPlus® saw palmetto extract?

🔲 Yes 🔲 No

Standardized, patented, certified organic USPlus® is the only saw palmetto extract that is USP certified to contain the precise 85% concentration and ratios of fatty acids proven to improve prostate symptoms in over four decades of European research. It is made only from ripe berries wild-harvested in Florida and extracted without solvents, yielding an extraordinarily pure and potent extract.

2. Does it provide the full clinical serving of 320 mg of USPlus® saw palmetto?

🔲 Yes 🔲 No

The clinical trials I reviewed clearly showed how a 320 mg daily dose of standardized USPlus® produced by far the best overall results—up to 82% less nighttime urination, an 85% decrease in urinary urgency, and a 50% increase in peak urinary flow. I've seen some brands cut corners with only 100 mg to 200 mg of USPlus®.

3. Does it include 60 mg of concentrated beta-sitosterol?

🔲 Yes 🔲 No

USPlus® works wonders on its own, but over the years I’ve found that it works even better when combined with concentrated beta-sitosterol, a powerful sterol found in saw palmetto as well as in other plants that is also backed by extensive clinical research demonstrating its ability to improve overall prostate symptoms—by a stunning 350%.

4. Does it include lycopene and pumpkin seed oil for additional support?

🔲 Yes 🔲 No

These two ingredients are staples in my regimen. Lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant found in tomatoes has been shown to help reduce prostate inflammation while preventing damage to prostate cells. Natural compounds found in pumpkin seed oil help reduce the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and in turn, help keep prostate swelling at bay.

5. Is it manufactured in the U.S. and subject to rigorous independent testing?

🔲 Yes 🔲 No

The very best supplements you can buy are manufactured in the U.S. in an FDA-approved facility with premium, patented ingredients like USPlus®. It’s also important to confirm that any supplement you put in your body is subject to 3rd-party lab testing to verify purity and potency. If the website or the label doesn’t say this, don’t buy it!

When it comes to supplements (especially those made overseas), quality is often hard to verify. One way to ensure confidence is to seek out a supplement manufactured in the U.S. in an FDA-approved and inspected facility and one that is subject to 3rd-party lab testing to verify purity and potency.

That’s because many companies…

• Are more concerned about profits than purity, potency and effectiveness

• Don’t want you to realize that quality can vary so dramatically

• Don’t want you to know there are better citrus bergamot extracts available!

Quality matters when buying any supplement—and even more so with citrus bergamot.

A Superior Prostate Health Solution That Delivers Dramatic Results

A Superior Prostate Health Solution That Delivers Dramatic Results

I firmly believe that the natural regimen I’ve developed for my patients is truly the most effective (and safest) way to get your prostate issues under control quickly and with nearly 90% efficacy!

However, while most of my patients achieved success with my regimen, the truth is that some of them had a hard time following it.

My patients found that USPlus® saw palmetto can be hard to find here in the U.S. (Ironically, much of it ends up in Europe to be used as a medicine). And when they could find it, it either had less than the required 320 mg dose or was absurdly expensive. And adding the concentrated beta-sitosterol, lycopene and pumpkin seed oil I recommend made the regimen prohibitively expensive and simply too inconvenient for many.

I knew there had to be a better solution for the patients in my clinic and anyone else looking to naturally relieve prostate and urinary symptoms while protecting their long-term prostate health.

Fortunately, in addition to running my clinics, I also serve as Chief Science Officer for Durable®, a cutting-edge dietary supplement company that I co-founded with my good friend Josh Corn, who has been a leading natural health advocate for over 20 years.

Together we created a new, convenient, affordable and all-in-one solution that includes the exact regimen that I developed for my patients. We call it Durable PROSTATE®.

And what is doesn't include is anything artificial or unnecessary. Plus, the entire formula is free of most common allergens including gluten, dairy and soy.


Together we created a new, convenient, affordable and all-in-one solution that includes the exact regimen that I developed for my patients. We call it Durable PROSTATE®.


And what is doesn't include is anything artificial or unnecessary. Plus, the entire formula is free of most common allergens including gluten, dairy and soy.

Here’s Why Durable PROSTATE Provides Superior Prostate Health Support

Here’s Why Durable PROSTATE Provides Superior Prostate Health Support

Here are five reasons why I recommend Durable PROSTATE for my patients, and why it’s your best choice for prostate support:

1. Features 320 mg of USPlus® Organic Saw Palmetto: Just two softgels per day of Durable PROSTATE gives you the clinically proven 320 mg dosage of patented, certified organic USPlus® saw palmetto standardized to match the precise 85% concentration and fatty acid profile that has produced dramatic improvements in prostate symptoms in 58 high-quality scientific studies.

2. Enhanced with 60 mg of CardioAid® Beta-Sitosterol: Durable PROSTATE includes a research-based 60 mg dose of made-in-the-U.S. CardioAid® beta-sitosterol. This powerful plant compound has been shown in clinical research to improve overall prostate symptoms by a incredible 350%!

3. Includes Lycopene & Pumpkin Seed Oil: To give you comprehensive prostate health support, Durable PROSTATE includes two additional clinically proven ingredients. Lycopene provides targeted antioxidant protection for prostate cells while pumpkin seed oil contains phytonutrients that help promote normal prostate size.

4. Made in the USA & Lab Tested for Quality You Can Trust: Each ingredient in every Durable formula is carefully sourced from the most trusted companies and certified for purity and potency using independent testing labs. And Durable PROSTATE is manufactured here in the U.S. to pharmaceutical-grade standards in a state-of-the-art facility that is cGMP certified and FDA approved.

5. A Great Value (with Free Shipping & Free Return Shipping): I’m on a mission to improve lives with nutritional supplements that feature premium, clinically proven ingredients that deliver results and provide great value. Durable PROSTATE is priced as low as $29.95 per bottle (a one-month supply), plus you get free shipping, free return shipping and it is backed by our one year, any reason guarantee, even if you've taken every last pill!

Prostate_LP_Banner (2).png__PID:ecafaa9e-4a3d-4576-b3f7-c2466e925fb2

4. Made in the USA & Lab Tested for Quality You Can Trust: Each ingredient in every Durable formula is carefully sourced from the most trusted companies and certified for purity and potency using independent testing labs. And Durable PROSTATE is manufactured here in the U.S. to pharmaceutical-grade standards in a state-of-the-art facility that is cGMP certified and FDA approved.

5. A Great Value (with Free Shipping & Free Return Shipping): I’m on a mission to improve lives with nutritional supplements that feature premium, clinically proven ingredients that deliver results and provide great value. Durable PROSTATE is priced as low as $29.95 per bottle (a one-month supply), plus you get free shipping, free return shipping and it is backed by our one year, any reason guarantee, even if you've taken every last pill!

Prostate (2).png__PID:03487959-b679-4cc2-a335-e946c135d2aa

So How Well Does Durable HEART Work?
Our Customers Say It Best!

So How Well Does Durable
HEART Work?Our Customers Say It Best!

So how well does Durable HEART work?Our Customers Say It Best!

So How Well Does Durable HEART Work?Our Customers Say It Best!

So How Well Does Durable BLOOD PRESSURE work?
Our Customers Say It Best!

So how well does
Durable HEART work?Our Customers Say It Best!

So How Well Does
Durable HEART work?
Our Customers Say It Best!

So how well does
Durable HEART work?
Our Customers Say It Best!


Our One Year, Any-Reason Durable PROSTATE Guarantee

Our One Year, Any-Reason Durable PROSTATE Guarantee

Our One Year, Any-Reason
Durable PROSTATE Guarantee

If you’re not convinced Durable PROSTATE is making a big difference in your prostate health … or if you’re not satisfied for any reason… simply return it anytime within one year of purchase for a full refund.

No hassles, no questions asked. We even pay the return shipping. Even if you've taken every last pill, you still get a 100% refund. It’s as simple as that

To get maximum benefits from Durable PROSTATE, I recommend you take it for at least 90 days. Research has shown that while results can be seen in as little as 45 days, additional benefits are seen at the 90-day mark—with roughly 9 out of 10 men experiencing profound relief from annoying urinary symptoms like frequent trips to the bathroom, interrupted flow and increased urgency. Ordering at least 3 bottles to start gives you the chance to experience the maximum clinical benefits at an excellent value.

And don’t worry about any risk—because there is none. You have ONE FULL YEAR to get a full refund FOR ANY REASON. We’ll even pay for return shipping.

Our Durable PROSTATE Is the Solution
You’ve Been Searching For

Our Durable PROSTATE Is the Solution You’ve Been Searching For

Our Durable PROSTATE Is the Solution You’ve Been Searching For

Our Durable PROSTATE Is the Solution You’ve Been Searching For

Keeping your prostate health is key to living a healthy, active life as you get older—and Durable PROSTATE can make all the difference. In as few as 45 days, its unique combination of ingredients is guaranteed to provide powerful prostate symptom relief. It will help:

  • Reduce nighttime bathroom trips so you get a good night's sleep
  • Reduce nighttime bathroom trips so you get a good night's sleep
  • Significantly reduced urinary frequency (at night and during the day)
  • Make urination effortless and discomfort free
           —no stop and start
  • Promote complete, satisfying emptying of the bladder
  • Nourish your prostate while supporting normal                           prostate size
  • Allow you to enjoy a healthy, active, virile life again
  • Promote healthy hair growth and regrowth
  • Reduce nighttime bathroom trips so you get a good night's sleep
  • Significantly reduced urinary frequency
             (at night and during the day)
  • Reduce nighttime bathroom trips so you get a good night's sleep
  • Make urination effortless and discomfort free—no stop and start
  • Promote complete, satisfying emptying of the bladder
  • Nourish your prostate while supporting normal prostate size
  • Allow you to enjoy a healthy, active, virile life again
  • Promote healthy hair growth and regrowth
Acq-Prostate-1.png__PID:512c6c51-8896-4ab1-9204-eb47dcdee108CLICK TO SEE PRODUCT LABEL
  • Reduce nighttime bathroom trips so you get a good night's sleep
  • Significantly reduced urinary frequency
             (at night and during the day)
  • Significantly reduced urinary frequency (at night and during the day)
  • Make urination effortless and discomfort free—no stop and start
  • Promote complete, satisfying emptying of the bladder
  • Nourish your prostate while supporting normal prostate size
  • Allow you to enjoy a healthy, active, virile life again
  • Promote healthy hair growth and regrowth

I’ve seen firsthand how effectively Durable PROSTATE works with my patients. And now I’m inviting you to put it to the test yourself and see the difference it will make for you too.

And with our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you can give it a complete personal test run without risking a penny!


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Dr. Kevin Passero is a leading functional medicine expert and practicing naturopathic physician on a mission to empower people to take control of their health. Through his two popular clinics in the Washington, DC metro area, he’s helped thousands of people find the root causes of their health imbalances and recover their energy, vitality, clarity and resilience. Dr. Passero blends cutting-edge diagnostics with proven natural therapies to help his patients get results. He formulates every Durable supplement drawing on his over 20 years of clinical experience and the latest scientific research. Outside of work, you can often find him enjoying the outdoors with his family.

†Dr. Kevin Passero is a licensed Naturopathic Physician in the District of Columbia and licensed Naturopathic Doctor in the State of Maryland.

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Dr. Kevin Passero is a leading functional medicine expert and practicing naturopathic physician on a mission to empower people to take control of their health. Through his two popular clinics in the Washington, DC metro area, he’s helped thousands of people find the root causes of their health imbalances and recover their energy, vitality, clarity and resilience. Dr. Passero blends cutting-edge diagnostics with proven natural therapies to help his patients get results. He formulates every Durable supplement drawing on his over 20 years of clinical experience and the latest scientific research. Outside of work, you can often find him enjoying the outdoors with his family.

†Dr. Kevin Passero is a licensed Naturopathic Physician in the District of Columbia and licensed Naturopathic Doctor in the State of Maryland.

General Disclaimers: The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonial results not typical. Customers may have received a gift certificate after submitting their testimonial. All contents Copyright Perpetual Health, LLC, dba Durable. All rights reserved. Republishing of Durable content without written authorization is strictly prohibited.

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